Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sleep Tincture Recipe - Blue Lotus and Skullcap Vodka Tincture

Today I began my sleep tincture experiment.  I wanted to create something simple, natural and more powerful than you would normally get at the store.  The primary ingredient is a little known flower called Blue Lotus that could be described as a mild sedative.  Using vodka to extract the active ingredients creates a nice mellow body buzz and relaxed mind.  If you want to make a more simple version of this recipe, you could leave out everything but the Blue Lotus and Skullcap and still have a powerful tincture.  You could also double the amount of both ingredients or half the amount of vodka to get a stronger tincture, so that your dosage would be smaller.  Here is the recipe that I used:

  • Nymphaea Caerulea - Blue Lotus - 3 grams resin
  • wild lettuce - 3 grams 15x extract
  • Chamomile - 3 tbs
  • Hops - 2 tbs
  • passionflower - 2 tbs
  • lavender - 2 tbs
  • Skullcap - 2 tbs
  • 1.75 L of vodka
All of the herbs and plants get put into the Vodka and left for about 2 weeks to extract.  It's a good idea to put the bottle in a cool, dark place while it sits.  When everything has been properly extracted, you can remove the plant material with cheesecloth or a coffee filter.  Make sure to squeeze the material to get ever last bit of goodness into the final product.  After some dosage testing I found that with this recipe 3tbs produces a good effect.  Everyone reacts differently to herbal concoctions like this, so I would start out with a low dosage to see how it effects you first, then gradually increase it until you get the effect that you want.  Never double dosages, work in small increments to be safe.

After testing out this brew and giving some to a friend, it seems to work very well and very fast.  The sedative effects start after about 5-10 minutes and last several hours.  It's a great sleep aid but also a nice way to relax a little at the end of a hard day.  It won't knock you out but it will make you feel tired.  Please let me know if you try it and how it works out for you!


  1. Nice recipe! I just made a glycerite for the same purpose, referring to your recipe for some ingredients. Tried it last night and it works great, definitely notice the Blue Lotus!

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